Good Evening Everyone,.

01 Apr 2021, 00:32
Good Evening Everyone, Just a quick update to inform you all that we have now deployed both the Crafter contract and NFT Rewards contract, both are verified on etherscan and the Reward contract has been funded ready to go! We are now also live on OpenSea and have made a request for the LYNC token to be added as a currency so that we can add this along with the ETH/WETH/DAI/USDC default currencies. We have minted the first 124 cards and they are ready to be distributed to the owners but we are going to hold off on this and the launch until the 1st of April (today!) around mid-day UTC time. The reason for the minor delay is myself and others on the team are in the UTC time zone and we ideally want to be up and awake when we go live so we can assist with support if there are any questions or issues people have throughout the day. we feel it's bad practice to go live and then go to sleep! It's been a long busy day but we will be up bright and early! 👍 Ross